Friday, July 25, 2008

California Bans Transfat

The nanny state in action.
California became the first state in the nation to place a ban on trans fats in restaurants and retail baked goods Friday when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill to phase out their use over the next few years. Under the new law, the artificial fats must be excised from restaurants beginning in 2010, and from all retail baked goods by 2011.

New York City passed a regulation banning the fats in 2006, and the law became fully effective on July 1. Philadelphia, Stamford, Conn., and Montgomery County, Md., have passed similar laws.

“California is a leader in promoting health and nutrition, and I am pleased to continue that tradition by being the first state in the nation to phase out trans fats,” Mr. Schwarzenegger said. “Consuming trans fat is linked to coronary heart disease, and today we are taking a strong step toward creating a healthier future for California.”
New York City's own nanny-stater Mike Bloomberg pushed the transfat ban.

Curiously, the reason that transfats became such an integral part to food production in the US was 1) costs; and 2) the health food police said that it was better for you than other kinds of fats.

The most common kinds of transfats? Margarine.

You know, the kind of product that was touted as being heart healthy not that long ago.

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