Friday, September 26, 2008

Palestinian Sympathetic Media At Work

Meanwhile, someone better be asking questions about this (full series here): How exactly is Abid Katib/Getty Images getting photos of Islamic Jihad showing off their rocket firing prowess in Gaza? We're told that these are practice launches. Right. How do we know that is the case? Where are those rockets landing?

But before we get to that question, let's ask the question of where these "practice launches" are taking place? It's taking place in the former Israeli settlement of Atsmona.

That happens to be one of several settlements from which Israel forcibly removed Israelis as part of the 2005 disengagement. Arabs and Islamists around the world rail against Israeli settlements again in the UN. They're engaged in worldwide rallies against Israel.

The terrorists use the settlements as terror training camps. The media gets funneled these stories from stringers and reporters who are sympathetic to the cause, and no one bothers to note the irony that the terrorists are busy firing rockets (and that occasionally Israel will fire back at the area where rockets are fired from).

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