Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Calm of Rockets' Red Glare

The media is projecting that this is a period of relative calm in the Palestinian war on Israel, but the truth is that it is nothing of the sort.

Palestinian terrorists from Hamas continue firing barrages of rockets into Israel, both at Ashkelon and at Sderot. A total of 20 rockets slammed into Israel in just the past few hours. Several Israelis have been wounded in the process.

Does this sound like a period of calm to you? It doesn't to me, and it's only a continuation of what the Palestinians have been doing for months on end. They're firing rockets on a near daily basis with the hope of wearing down Israeli resolve, and in the alternative, provoking an Israeli response that will result in civilian casualties because the terrorists launch their rockets from civilian areas and purposefully hide behind civilians in general.

Islamic Jihad has figured out how to extend the range of its missiles, putting more Israelis under the gun.

Meanwhile, Hizbullah appears to possess rockets that can be fired from Lebanon and reach all the way to Dimona. That pretty much puts every major Israeli city within range of its missiles. Nice to see the UN on top of that - UNIFIL was supposed to be disarming Hizbullah under UN SCR 1701, but apparently never found the time or bothered to put the effort into doing so.
Government officials say that despite the UN peacekeeping force located in Lebanon since the war ended, meant to distance Hizbullah from the border and prevent the organization from rearming, Hizbullah's Iranian and Syrian patrons have steadily provided the group with large amounts of rockets since then, many of them capable of hitting Israel's major cities.

The Defense Ministry officials did not say how many of the new rockets Hizbullah has obtained. However, it is estimated that overall, the organization now has many more rockets in its arsenal than the 14 thousand it had before the conflict; likely more than double that number. In early March it was reported that Hizbullah's arsenal included ten thousand long-range rockets and 20 thousand short-range rockets.
And those rockets are coming from Iran, which tells you volumes about who is behind the ongoing violence in the region and intentions. The Iranians are pulling strings here, and they want to carry out their threats to destroy Israel and they're more than willing to watch Lebanon go up in flames as their proxy force Hizbullah prepares for the next conflict with Israel.

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