Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Called It

Earlier today, I wrote the following:
Israeli Foreign Minister Lipni says that there will be no Palestinian state alongside Israel unless the rocket attacks stop. How many years did it take for the Israeli government to reach that position? How many lives were lost? How many meetings with the Palestinian Authority to discuss statehood were made even as the rocket attacks continued?

It's an empty promise by Lipni unfortunately because you just know that the Israeli left is continuing to press for negotiations with the very Palestinian terrorists that continue to rain rockets down on Israel, bringing nothing but pain and misery to Israelis within range.
Well, guess what, Foreign Minister Lipni was negotiating with the Palestinian terrorists over the status of Jerusalem and other issues in formerly secret negotiations.
As reported in Sunday's Post, a senior Palestinian Authority official in Ramallah said that the Palestinian negotiating team headed by former PA prime minister Ahmed Qurei had been holding "secret talks" with Livni and other government officials over the past few weeks.

"There are public meetings and there are secret ones," the PA official explained. "The main progress has been achieved during the secret talks, particularly on the issue of Jerusalem. Today we can say that Israel is prepared to withdraw from almost all the Arab neighborhoods and villages in Jerusalem. Israel is prepared to redivide Jerusalem, and this is a positive development."

Livni's associates declined to comment on the story, saying that the Israeli and Palestinian negotiating teams had decided not to respond to reports about what was taking place behind closed doors during the negotiations.
The fact that the Israelis are negotiating over the status of Jerusalem, let alone negotiating with the very terrorists who are continuing to engage in attacks against Israel is reprehensible.

The Israeli party Shas has previously stated that they would withdraw from the Israeli government if Olmert even hinted at dividing the Israeli capital of Jerusalem. Well, we're about to see whether Shas will indeed pull out or be bought off. If Shas does withdraw, it would mean that Olmert would lose the majority in the Knesset and new elections would be necessary.

If this latest outrage is insufficient to take down the Olmert government, nothing would. He's already fatally miscalculated on the Lebanon war, continues to do little to stop the rocket war against Israel from Gaza, and is now negotiating away the undivided nature of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, which would invariably lead to limiting Jewish access to the Temple Mount and other Jewish holy sites all while doing nothing to improve Israel's security situation.

Pseudoreality in action.

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