Friday, June 15, 2007

US, Russia, EU and UN Support Fatah

As anyone who has followed this blog know, Lawhawk has kept up an unrelenting pace of coverage on Israel and the terrorist thugs that wish to destroy her. His latest article is no exception. However, I came across this article and needed to put it out there:

GAZA (Reuters) - Western powers rallied behind Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday after Hamas Islamists routed his forces in the Gaza Strip and began imposing a new order in the enclave after days of bloody civil war.

Despite his mandate effectively being reduced to the West Bank, Abbas named a new prime minister after firing the Hamas-led government and declaring a state of emergency.

The United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia -- the Quartet of Middle East mediators -- gave a "clear message of support" to Abbas.

Washington, Europe and Israel prepared to throw open the taps on financial aid to Abbas that was cut off a year ago when Iranian-backed Hamas used its popularity in impoverished Gaza to defeat Abbas's more secular Fatah in a parliamentary election.

Somebody please explain why we are still supporting Fatah and Abbas? Fatah, the party of Yassir Arafat is a terrorist organization. Are they a nicer terrorist organization than Hamas? Do we like these terrorists better than the Hamas terrorists? Has fatah taken any steps to implement the roadmap to peace? Have they honored Oslo? Have they shown any willingness to recognize Israel, to denounce fundamentalism, to secure peace with the west? The answer to these questions is a resounding NO!!!

So why support them? The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Any money we give them will not go to humanitarian needs, but to weapons to fund terrorists so they can fight Hamas, oh, and ISRAEL!!! Lets not forget that Fatah's goal, much like Hamas and Hizbullah, is the destruction of Israel.

So someone, please, explain this one to me!

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