Friday, October 26, 2007

Diplomacy in the Face of Terror

While Abbas and Olmert are busy trying to save face and their political careers with yet another pitiful attempt at a peace deal where the Palestinians have steadfastly refused to accept a two-state solution and one of Olmert's colleagues is more than willing to cede the Golan to Syria despite Syria's nefarious intentions against Israel, the Palestinian terrorists continue to fire rockets against Sderot.

All this diplomacy will end badly for Israel. Israel's enemies see the diplomacy as a sign of weakness to be exploited. There is one thing they respect, and that's power. Israel's attack on the Syrian facility on September 6 was a clarion call to the terror masters in the Middle East that Israel will strike back when sufficiently threatened. The silence following that attack is significant.

All the chatter from the ongoing diplomatic efforts is not.

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