Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What Peace Process?

Even as the US, Quartet, and diplomats try their best to claim that there's a peace process between Israel and its enemies, those very groups with whom the diplomats are hoping to force Israel to cut a deal with are explicitly announcing their deadly intentions.

Hamas has never accepted Israel's right to exist, and has engaged in an unending war ever since Hamas took over Gaza in 2006 when it ousted Fatah from controlling the territory following Israel's unilateral disengagement in 2005. Palestinians, instead of using Gaza's new-found freedom, launched a rocket war that continues to this day.

Meanwhile, Fatah has benefited from the media myopia and propagandists to avoid serious scrutiny over its own actions in seeking Israel's destruction. The fact is that Fatah has never eliminated its own declarations calling for Israel's destruction and its terrorists are still intent on causing mayhem and murder of Israelis.

Fatah never recognized Israel's right to exist and aren't about to settle for a two-state solution. That's Fatah - the so-called moderate terrorists.

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