Thursday, August 21, 2008

Democrats Really Wanted To Go There?

So, today's latest and greatest kerfuffle revolved around a question posed of Sen. John McCain over how many homes he owned. He couldn't give a definitive answer and said that his staffers would have to get back to them.

Democrats quickly pounced on this. Why? Well, they thought they had a gotcha moment, but I think they didn't entirely game this out, but we'll get to that in a moment.

They quickly attacked McCain, as seen in this video with Gov. Tim Kaine doing the attacking. It's got all the usual leftist tripe, including class warfare and belittling McCain because he's managed to accumulate wealth and supposedly is out of touch with the common folk.

Sounds great, but it's less filling. In fact, it's empty calories because there's nothing there there.

So, Obama's folks said that McCain owns seven properties. Politico turned up eight in Cindy McCain's name, but nothing under John's.

Why is that relevant? Well, because John McCain doesn't own the homes - Cindy and various trusts do. McCain signed a prenuptial with Cindy and each has separate assets.

The answer to the question posed of McCain is zero. McCain doesn't own any homes.

But here's the real kicker.

Why would Obama open the door to questions about real estate? Don't these two words mean anything to Obama?

Tony Rezko.

They should.

Can you say trap? I knew you could.

Obama and his staffers walked right into a trap. They thought they had their gotcha moment, and yet it boomerangs right back at Obama because it raises questions over how exactly Obama did manage to buy that mansion in Chicago and what exactly were his ties with Tony Rezko.

The Democrats thought they could paint McCain as the rich and out of touch Republican (Rethuglican as the leftists usually post online), but who exactly has the million dollar mansion? That would be Sen. Barack Obama. Right.

Who exactly is rubbing shoulders with the ultra rich ultra leftist George Soros? Obama. Who has made it a habit of rubbing shoulders with Hollywood types who have millions in the bank? Again, that would be Obama. You know what they say about the company you keep.

And speaking of ties to shady characters and company that one keeps, what's the deal with Obama's ties to Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, the unrepentant Weather Underground terrorists. Seems that papers relating to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Ayers and Obama were both key particpants, are being held up at the University of Illinois at Chicago so that researchers and journalists can't see what kind of juicy connections Obama has to Ayers.

A final question: Why is it so important to know about how many buildings that McCain owns? Wouldn't it be interesting to know what Obama's position is on his buddy Ayers attempting to blow up buildings? You know - like their terrorist group's plans to blow up the Capitol, Pentagon, NYPD headquarters, and other government buildings.

Did the Democrats really want to go there? Because they've unwittingly opened up a Pandora's box of bad stuff for Obama.

Why do Democrats want to make an issue of this? Wasn't the former Democratic Party nominee for President, John Kerry, the owner of multiple homes? Those homes were generally in the name of John's wife Teresa Heinz, but the fact is that like Kerry, McCain married a wealthy woman. I don't begrudge either of them for doing well.

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