Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Zawahiri Goes for the Familiar

When all else fails (and it certainly has in Iraq and Afghanistan), al Qaeda's Zawahiri calls on its thugs and minions to to go back to basics.

He wants them to step up and try to break the blockade of Gaza and essentially calls on his terror minions to go after Egypt and Israel. Gaza is in the hands of the terrorist group Hamas, and Israel and Egypt are both imposing a blockade on the terrorists to try and prevent them from smuggling weapons into Gaza for use in Hamas' ongoing war against Israel.

Egypt isn't exactly doing its due diligence in stopping the smuggling, but Zawahiri considers the Egyptians to be traitors to the cause.

Let's not forget that Zawahiri is Egyptian and he cut his teeth in opposing Egypt's peace overtures with Israel and sought to overthrow the Egyptian government. He led the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which merged into al Qaeda. This is a subject on which he's quite familiar.

So, this isn't exactly breaking new ground here. Zawahiri has made these calls before, and he's not saying anything that Hamas hasn't already claimed - and Hamas has at least carried out an invasion of Egypt before Egypt fended off the attempt.

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