Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hamas Invasion of Egypt Changes Everything and Nothing

Make no mistake about what happened yesterday. Hamas set about creating the circumstances for an invasion of Egypt and the Egyptians largely caved to allowing this invasion. They staged the blackouts and only now is the media starting to let folks know just what happened.

Israel has all but washed its hands of the situation in Gaza, except for the part about the incessant rockets fired from Gaza into Israel. Expect Israel to start demanding that Egypt play a larger role in getting the situation in Gaza under control, though I fully expect that to fall on deaf ears considering that the Egyptians all but ignored the Hamas sappers working to cut through the security barrier all along its border. Egypt wants no part of Gaza - which is the same position it's taken since 1979. The Egyptians know better.

Egypt is saying that the Rafah crossing will remain open to relieve the humanitarian crisis. That's bunk. What kind of humanitarian crisis is there when the chief goods crossing the border back into Gaza isn't food, but cigarettes, televisions, and other less than pressing goods?

The "humanitarian crisis" was staged by Hamas and the media and diplomats lapped it up without questioning the actual situation on the ground.

Meanwhile, you've got Israeli human rights groups complaining about Israel's treatment of Gaza and its cessation of oil shipments to Gaza. It's sad that they can get worked up about providing aid to those who seek Israel's destruction but largely ignore the rocket attacks against Israel. It comes as no surprise that the UN Human Rights Council slams Israel. That's what they do. They ignore the rocket attacks and complain mightily that Israel takes action to defend itself.

Fatah's Abbas says that Jerusalem is on the table in negotiations even as his top negotiators say that they haven't even started talks yet. Well, what do you expect. He's setting up the table and letting everyone know what the minimum demands are.

Via Hot Air, I note this photo montage in Time magazine's website. Note that the photo claims to show the Hamas thugs busy "legislating away by candle light." Funny, considering that they've got the drapes closed but the bright daylight streams in around them. The same goes for the brilliant light coming from outside the door in the background. Did no one at Time notice those incongrituities?

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