Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Some Still Paying Attention in Israel

While the politicians are pushing the notion that a fragile ceasefire between Israel is possible and that it would benefit Israel's strategic security posture, the IDF is doing what the IDF must - they are not only preparing for a Gaza operation, but are continuing to attack Hamas terrorists who are plotting and/or carrying out attacks on Israel.

Israeli forces continue to make arrests of Palestinian terrorists in the West Bank as well. That never receives nearly as much press as it should, but then again, it's a daily occurrence. It fades into the background and doesn't get nearly the attention that it should. The Palestinians have not given up the ghost of defeating Israel, and a ceasefire would mask those intentions and lull the world into a false sense of security.

So, what would this supposed ceasefire look like? Well, expect lots of gunfire, mortars, and kassams, because the IDF expects it to be transitory and fragile. The latest iteration of a ceasefire proposes three phases, and none of them involve the release of Gilad Shalit. What a surprise [that's extreme sarcasm folks].
The London based, Arab-language newspaper Al-Hayat reported Tuesday that the future truce between Israel and the militant groups in Gaza will include three stages: First, a six-month truce will be declared in Gaza Strip. Three days after the truce is announced, Israel will open the Karni and Sufa crossings.

Second: The week after, Israel will left the ban places on many of the raw materials needed in the Strip, with the exception of several materials believed to be of use for rockets and launchers manufacturing, such as metal pipes and certain chemicals.
Following that, there's going to be discussions on opening the Rafah crossing.

So, Israel once again must make the most concessions since it has to open its borders to the possibility of infiltration via the crossings, and Hamas has to do what? Say that it will stop its own kassam and mortar attacks, but outsource that job to other terror groups operating in Gaza who wont abide by the truce? That's what has happened in the past, and will likely happen here.

We'll find out soon enough as the "truce" is supposed to start on Thursday.

Aboo-hoo-hoo at LGF offers his own take on the three stages of the ceasefire. None actually involve the cessation of the Palestinian war on Israel.

Jammie notes that the truce will start Thursday, and will end later Thursday. Well, I agree, but the diplomats and everyone will attempt to ignore the ongoing violence unless and until Israel responds with airstrikes. Then, the media and the Palestinians will wail and seethe about Israel violating the ceasefire.

Meryl Yourish points out that the terrorists can crow about victories over Israel when Israel provides them on a silver platter by not responding to the terror attacks but instead retreating under fire.

The truce wont take effect until Thursday. However, 4 kassams slammed into Israel again today. And the mortar crews were busy too.

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