Monday, May 19, 2008

Abbas To Declare Negotiations Failed

This isn't surprising. Mahmoud Abbas is going to declare that the negotiations have failed - even though the Palestinians haven't actually changed their negotiating posture in decades. The Palestinians want Israel's destruction and haven't been dissuaded from that. So, Abbas will declare the negotiations failed and, wait for it, blame Israel for the failures.

Never mind that the Palestinians had no intention of real peace with Israel, or that the Palestinians themselves couldn't agree on who'd run their thugocracy - given that Hamas controls Gaza and Fatah nominally controls the West Bank areas ceded to the PA under Oslo and successive agreements. Hamas has no intention of recognizing Israel's peaceful coexistence, so peace isn't going to happen unless and until Hamas changes its tune, which is a near impossibility given that Hamas is religiously and ideologically motivated to destroy Israel. Decades of indoctrination also shape that view - reinforced on a daily and weekly basis with videos and sermons calling for Israel's destruction.

Abbas needs something, anything really, to show that he's still worth the hundreds of millions that the US and EU are pumping to the PA and Fatah's coffers. So, he makes a show of claiming to negotiate with Israel, even though he and his terrorist minions have no intention of real peace with Israel.

As I've repeatedly noted, if the Palestinians want to show that they're interested and sincere in peace, they should be the ones to make concessions - but to do so would be the kiss of death for any Palestinian leader given that they've always promised their followers that they would settle for nothing less than the destruction of Israel. The Palestinians have conditioned themselves for the destruction of Israel, even if it means no state of their own and living under the most horrible self-inflicted conditions one can imagine because they enable terrorists to operate freely and harbor terrorists.

Heck, the Palestinians can't go a single day without attacking Israel.

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