Tuesday, March 04, 2008


The situation between Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador is approaching a boiling point, and it stems from Venezuela's and Ecuador's support for the terrorist group FARC, which has caused countless deaths and untold misery for the people of Colombia.

FARC may have gotten more than $300 million from Chavez's Venezuela over the years, and Colombia may pursue criminal charges against [T]hugo in the International Criminal Court as a result.

Colombia also says that FARC was pursuing dirty bombs, which is par for the course, and makes you wonder what Iran and Venezuela have been sharing all these years since [T]hugo came to power.
“Just yesterday (Monday) our national police submitted an initial report regarding the content of two computers found with Raul Reyes, second in command of FARC, who was killed last Saturday,” Santos said.

They contained “information from one commander to another indicating that FARC was apparently negotiating for radioactive material, the primary basis for generating dirty weapons of mass destruction and terrorism,” he added.

Initial information verified with international support showed “terrorist groups, based on the economic power of drug trafficking, constitute a serious threat not to just our country but to the entire Andean and Latin American region,” he said.
Things are definitely approaching a boiling point, and Chavez is behind it.

The Counterterrorism Blog has much more background on the situation, and notes a thus far unconfirmed report that the US Treasury Department has found that the Chavez regime has found billions in laundered funds involving senior Venezuelan officials and their associates hidden overseas, which may have been used in terrorism related activities.

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