Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Quick Hits: Told You So Edition

The Record proves that they still want to play name that party with Sharpe James. My bet is still intact. Here's a hint. He's not a Republican.

Meanwhile, I reported back on February 13, 2008 that Mayor Bloomberg's congestion pricing tax would be completely undermined by the fact that the Port Authority increased its tolls to fill the difference and the city would see no money from New Jersey commuters. I was right - and now city officials are trying to either get the Port Authority to turn over some of that money to them, or to further increase the congestion pricing tax to hit up New Jersey residents. Nice.

The AP does no better than the Record in providing the party affiliation for Sharpe James.

Meanwhile, it looks like New Jersey will get toll increases and a gas tax hike to cover transit improvements.

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