Monday, March 03, 2008

The Sharpe James Experience: Name That Party Edition

The Sharpe James trial is about to get underway and Jammie notes that the AP coverage lacks the former Newark Mayor and State Senator's political affiliation. He's a Democrat.

They've been doing that practically every time the James trial comes up. They did it last week as they missed his party affiliation during the jury selection, and they're doing it again now as trial starts.

I bet they'll do it again when they report on every phase of the trial, including the closing statements, the deliberations, and the jury verdict, along with any intermediate stories about any issues that rise during the trial.

Dollars to donuts, the AP, Reuters, Record or Star Ledger will omit his political affiliation. If they don't omit the affiliation entirely, they'll bury it deep in the article as an afterthought.

Had James been a Republican, I doubt it would be so hard to find his affiliation.

Tidied up the language in the third paragraph.

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