Friday, January 04, 2008


While the rockets and mortars keep falling on Israel, Prime Minister Olmert is busy meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan and talking about partitioning Jerusalem. Talk about your disconnect. Who exactly would be getting the other part of Jerusalem, excep the very terrorists and thugs who have been busy trying to kill Israelis for all these years? Fatah complains that Israeli forces are making their job of security more difficult by engaging in security operations, but the sad fact is that if the Palestinian Authority had been fulfilling its obligations under Oslo and every successive agreement, the Israelis wouldn't need to carry out security operations in the West Bank or Gaza that eliminate terrorist threats.

Instead, all we get are more terrorist operations and inciteful media messages from Palestinian thugs who seek Israel's destruction. Israel keeps rounding them up, but the problem is that Israel will simply turn around and release them the next time they do a prisoner swap. The Palestinians know this, which makes the situation all the more intolerable because it's a revolving door of injustice.

The PA doesn't want its territory to be demilitarized. Go figure. They cling to the hope that one day they can overrun Israel and take it all for themselves.

Human rights groups complain that the Israelis use dogs to harass Palestinians. Too bad the same groups ignore the kassam rockets and mortars that not only harass Israelis, but wound and kill them as well.

Four more kassams fired at Israel. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. Expect the sound of crickets as the human rights group condemn the terrorist group's targeting of civilians with their instruments of death and destruction.

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