Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Joke Continues

I knew this was coming. I warned as much. But would PM Olmert or anyone else bother to pay attention? Nope. The diplomats wanted this deal so badly that they could taste the accolades.

Too bad the thugs who were released are tasting something different. The freedom to continue their jihad against Israel without giving up their arms, as per the agreement they worked out with Israel.
Pan-Arab satellite television network Al-Arabiya reported Thursday that the agreement between Fatah militants and Israel promising amnesty to militants who turn in their weapons has fallen through.

According to the report, Israel informed the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, affiliated with Fatah that the amnesty offer is no longer on the table as half of the Fatah militants who signed documents promising to refrain from terrorism failed hand over their weapons.

This is Fatah we're talking about. The moderate terrorists, but only when compared to Hamas. Their intentions to destroy Israel have not changed.

They have refused to hand over their weapons. Now why would they do such a thing? Well, they might fear reprisals by Hamas, and given the animosity between Fatah and Hamas, it is certainly possible. However, they are just as likely to be holding on to their weapons because they intend to return to the fight with Israel at the earliest possible moment.

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