Monday, November 20, 2006

The Shell Game

Hamas and Fatah are playing a shell game. They're firing 'em into Israel as best they can with the intent to kill and maim as many Israelis as possible. To them, it doesn't matter whether they're children at school (despite Israeli officials fortifying schools in places like Sderot that have come under daily attack), apartment complexes, or transit depots. The terrorists hope that Israel returns fire killing civilians in the process. The terrorists don't care about the civilians - they only hope for a maximum body count since that works out quite well in the international media and at the UN.

Martin Luther King, Jr, speaking before the crowd on the Mall in Washington, D.C., 8/28/1963There was a time when nonviolent demonstrations involved peacefully marching to rally against an injustice. Whether it was Martin Luther King, Jr., preaching nonviolent demonstration and looking towards a future with a positive future of peaceful resolution to longstanding conflicts over socio-political and racial discrimination in the United States, or Ghandi doing much the same thing in India, nonviolent demonstration was a powerful force of social change.

To the Palestinians, it means acting as human shields for terrorists preparing for the next bloody attack on Israelis. The Palestinians have hit upon a winning strategy because they know that Israel is reluctant to inflict casualties knowing that it might face increasing scrutiny and loss of contacts in the West as a result.

The Palestinians have managed to turn nonviolent demonstrations and resistance on its head. Instead of using it to change the world for the better, the Palestinians have realized that human shields will protect terrorists who only seek to inflict maximum casualties among Israelis and whose creed is founded upon the notion of the annihilation of the state of Israel.

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