Saturday, November 04, 2006

27th Anniversary of US Embassy Takeover

Did you know that Iran still rejoices on the anniversary of the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran? Today marks the 27th anniversary, and the Iranians continue to celebrate that act of war and rejoice in their comfortable knowledge that they have never been held to account for the deed.

Iranians think that the US should still learn from the takeover - submit to Islam or face the violent consequences.

I fear that the US is still refusing to accept this reality. Iran has long been the US enemy, and continues to be an enemy of the West via its proxy terror groups - Hizbullah and Hamas. Neither are unwilling to attack US interests, and are coming into possession of an ever more sophisticated array of weapons.

Iran itself is stockpiling longer range missiles (with an assist from China and North Korea), and its wargames are a way to rattle the sabres.

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