Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kofi's Magical Mystery Tour

Kofi Annan is taking a tour of Lebanon to see what he has wrought firsthand. Let me try that again. Kofi is touring Lebanon to see what Hizbullah did to Lebanon and Israel. No, that's not it. Kofi's taking a tour of Lebanon to see how Israel has devastated the region. Ah, there we have it.

Kofi was being chauffeured around Lebanon courtesy of the Lebanese military, along with Hizbullah terror minions providing up close and scripted experiences. You think that part will make it in to the big media reports? Doubtful.

Meanwhile, he's supposed head over to South Lebanon and meet up with the head of UNIFIL at UNIFIL headquarters and review the situation. I wonder whether he'll bother to look at the UNIFIL positions where UN observers should have noticed Hizbullah's militarization of South Lebanon to within a few yards of those same positions and did nothing. I doubt it. He's got blinders on you see. If he recognized that Hizbullah had done such a thing, he would have been obligated to act, and by acting he would have given tacit support to Israel, which is a no-no for the UN.

Of course, there's no mention of the fact that the UNIFIL reports gave detailed information about Israeli troop actions in and around UNIFIL outposts, but scant information about Hizbullah, which used UNIFIL positions as cover against Israeli reprisals, which helps explain why Israel has found those Hizbullah bunkers right up against UNIFIL positions.

And for all that, Annan has the audacity to call for Israel to lift the sea blockade against Lebanon and says that the UN will not forcibly disarm Hizbullah. Kofi sees absolutely nothing wrong with giving a terrorist organization the legitimacy and stature of a sovereign nation, despite the fact that this particular terror group started a war that killed hundreds of people, caused billions in damage in Lebanon and Israel, and did so in violation of UN SCR 425, 426, and 1559.

Kofi has no new information on Goldwasser, Regev, or Shalit. So much for chatting up with Nasrallah and the Lebanese. Figures.

And Annan got booed by pro-Hizbullah folks as he toured South Lebanon for all his efforts. I guess those folks weren't impressed by the fact that the UN basically put Hizbullah on an even footing with Israel and wont forcibly disarm Hizbullah. You simply can't please these folks.

Kofi really can't help himself. His latest statement is that Israel is responsible for the majority of violations to the ceasefire. Well, has he bothered to catalogue all the weapons transfers, bunker building and other acts by Hizbullah in the interim? Didn't think so. Kofi is too concerned with stopping Israel from defending itself to pay attention to the real threat to regional stability - Hizbullah's ability to regroup and rearm despite UN resolutions calling for its dissolution.

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