Monday, August 14, 2006

Israel and Hizbullah Take A Breather

Has the ceasefire lasted all of four hours before Hizbullah began anew? Six Hizbullah were killed just today in clashes between Israel and the Islamic terror group. Hizbullah fired anti-tank rounds at Israel forces.

I fully expect this ceasefire to fail. Indeed, it appears that it already failed if you count Hizbullah's ongoing attempt to kill still more Israelis today. So does Jerusalem. Hizbullah can't help itself. They're dedicated to Israel's destruction and they think that they could get away with a lower level of terror attacks against Israel hoping that Israel will be restrained by the US and the West from resuming its attacks throughout Lebanon.

This 'cessation' is a hudna. It's a strategic pause to give Hizbullah a chance to take a breather from the pounding it received at the hands of the IDF.

The Israelis are coordinating their activities with UNIFIL, which is deploying throughout South Lebanon.

Most Israelis think that the Israeli campaign failed. Well, considering that the first objective was the return of the two soldiers Hizbullah took in the initiating engagement, it was. Olmert is trying to spin that the newest UN resolution changes things on the border with Lebanon. The only way it changes is if the UN and Lebanese actually live up to their obligations. In the past 28 years, neither has done so.

Now, the Lebanese government says that Hizbullah should leave South Lebanon. Good luck with that. Seems that Hizbullah is still calling the shots, despite the fact that the Lebanese government agreed to the ceasefire and implementation of the disarmament of Hizbullah and securing its own territorial integrity. Ed Morrissey notes the mutinous reaction in the government and military, who should have begun disarming Hizbullah, but now appears to be doing nothing of the sort. Powerline calls the situation grim. Ah, understatement.

Is Lebanon heading towards another civil war because a terrorist group decided to upset the delicate balance between factions that managed to maintain a sense of calm? I think it looks that way. Lebanon is going to need a lot of help to solve this problem, and count on the UN to not be there to help. They'll have peacekeepers present to take the temperature of the corpse that was formerly known as Lebanon as Hizbullah exerts its dominion over South Lebanon and openly flaunts the UN and world opinion.

Meanwhile, Hamas is still firing rockets into Israel, as Carl in Jerusalem reports. Gilad Shalit is still being held by Hamas.

Bloggers to check in with for daily updates are Blue Crab Boulevard, Carl in Jerusalem, Israellycool, Dave Bender, Meryl Yourish, Euphoric Reality, Pajamas Media, Hot Air, Jameel at the Muqata, Greetings from the French Hill, R'Lazer, and Live from an Israeli Bunker. Check back with them regularly for updates.

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