Sunday, July 16, 2006

Distilled to the Essence

Distilling world opinion and the so called media elites to its essence, one finds the following truth as produced and massaged by the world's media.

Israel must restrain itself all while the terrorists, their backers, proxies, and useful idiots all act upon and call for Israel's very destruction.

The logic of these media elites is breathtaking. Not only in its gross stupidity, but in its utter failure to discern good from evil, right from wrong, and the complete inability to recognize symptoms and causes of this conflict.

Even when statements are provided saying that Israel has a right to self defense, that assumes that there are those who don't believe such things. Every nation has the right to defend itself. It's self evident, and inherent in the concept of nation-state. That such statements need to be made is troublesome, because they are also accompanied by calls for restraint.

Hizbullah and Hamas are Islamic terrorist groups operating at the beck and call of Syria and Iran. Those two terrorist groups are not the cause, but the symptom. Sure, Israel can decimate the two groups, but the problem will persist and calling for Israeli restraint does nothing to deter Syria or Iran from continuing to use proxies to attack Israel. Sure the G8 calls for Hizbullah to stop, but where are the Security Council resolutions calling for the immediate release of Israel's soldiers, the immediate cessation of rocket fire, or else military action will be taken not only against Hamas and Hizbullah, but their state backers - Iran and Syria. None are forthcoming, and instead we hear how the UN's Arab bloc tries to get resolution after resolution passed condemning Israel's self defense.

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