Thursday, June 01, 2006

Opening Day of the 2006 Hurricane Season

Let's hope and pray that this year will not be like last year. Let's hope that we don't get hammered by multiple hurricanes that together caused tens of billions of dollars in damage and killed more than 1,500 people.

We need to be prepared for hurricane season regardless of what happened last year. Seawitch has some good suggestions - and a video showing before and after of what a hurricane hit can do to a seaside community.

Be Prepared.

It isn't just the Boy Scout motto.

Meanwhile, the Army Corps of Engineers says that they're nearly ready for the 2006 season in and around Louisiana and New Orleans. Oh, and it was their fault really for the way the levees failed in catastrophic fashion.

FEMA says it has some new high tech toys to deal with disaster management. I'd like to know if it has competent people running the place. Not that New Orleans has done anything to improve on that front, but we've got to go into battle with the folks we have, not those we wish to have.

This wasn't Bush's fault, but the fault of the Corps to do their job over the past 40 years. Improper designs, using outdated data, and improper upkeep over the past several decades all contributed to the failures.

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