Monday, April 10, 2006

Next Generation Armor Isn't Armor At All

"That's no moon. It's a space station."

While Iran would like the world to tremble because it has apparently acquired technologies from Russia that have limited applications (like the Shkval or the flying boat), the Israelis and US forces are working on technology that would actually reduce the threat posed by RPGs and other armor piercing rounds. These are among the deadliest threats facing US and Israeli forces on the battlefield and in urban settings.

While FoxNews touts this as a 'force field' in its headlines, it is nothing of the sort. It's actually a sophisticated countermeasures system against RPGs and other incoming rounds. This is a system currently in development in Israel, but may soon be deployed by US forces in Iraq.

Is it a panacea? Not at all, but it does show that people are working on the problems posed by RPG and armor piercing rounds, which cannot simply be solved through additional armor.

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