Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Eason Jordan Must Go

Since when is it proper for the head of a news network, Eason Jordan of CNN to make completely unsubstaniated statements that are a bunch of lies to an international audience that proclaims that the US is specifically targeting journalists, and that there have been twelve such documented cases. Does Jordan know that his words carry weight and that their effect can provide ammunition to terrorists and opponents of the US?

Eason Jordan has a checkered history in the past. He supported his networks's Iraq coverage through the years, despite the fact that there was a quid pro quo between the network and Saddam. Portray the regime in a good light, and CNN got access. Well, that doesn't produce solid journalism, just cheerleading. Not that it mattered to Jordan since it was all about the access and ability to scoop other networks.

Now, he's gone off the reservation completely by arguing that the US is targeting journalists, to which he got bodyslammed by Rep. Barney Frank of all people. Kudos to Frank for calling Jordan on the carpet for spouting off a bunch of lies and rumormongering masquerading as fact.


Anonymous said...

From CNN Public Information:

Many blogs have taken Mr. Jordan's remarks out of context. Eason Jordan does not believe the U.S. military is trying to kill journalists. Mr. Jordan simply pointed out the facts: While the majority of journalists killed in Iraq have been slain at the hands of insurgents, the Pentagon has also noted that the U.S. military on occasion has killed people who turned out to be journalists. The Pentagon has apologized for those actions.

Mr. Jordan was responding to an assertion by Cong. Frank that all 63 journalist victims had been the result of "collateral damage."

Anonymous said...

Lookie here, CNN is making the rounds from all the blogs listed at Hugh's--and is depositing the same non-rebuttal rebuttal.

OK CNN: Show us the context. Jordan said things like this before (,2763,1355027,00.html), so I already think you're lying. But show us the transcript from Davos & then we can talk about it.