Sunday, February 22, 2009

Police to Issue Warrant In Chandra Levy Murder

And no, its not for Gary Condit.

Police investigating the 2001 "cold case" murder of Washington intern Chandra Levy plan to seek a warrant for the arrest of a convicted felon, currently serving jail time, who has emerged as the primary suspect in the Levy case.

The suspect, Ingmar Guandique, has been in jail since approximately July 2001 for two nonfatal attacks on women in the city's Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C., where Levy's body was discovered in 2002.

Police hope to serve the warrant before Guandique is paroled.

Officially police are not commenting on the case, but a source inside the D.C. police department told ABC News that Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier had contacted the Levy family to update them on developments.

"The Metropolitan Police Department has no information available for release in this ongoing investigation. This case generated numerous bits of information, which we continue to follow up on," police said in a statement.

This serves as a reminder that we should not all jump to conclusions in criminal cases just because the media pins the crime on one person. Condit may not have been the greatest person, he was having an affair with the 24 year old, but he and his family did not deserve to have to deal with being accused of murder for all these years. This again shows the need for media restraint. Condit was all but convicted in the eyes of the public because of the media zealousness to over report the story with a bias slant. Look for the real killer's attorney to use the media reports on Condit when trying to show reasonable doubt.

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