Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Joe Biden Exit Watch Commences

After watching this video, ask yourself two questions:

Question 1: If Joe Biden knows that he's not the best guy for the job, why did he take it?
Question 2: What does this say about Sen. Barack Obama's judge of character and fitness to lead? His most important decision to date was the choice of a running mate, and it appears that he made the biggest mistake in going with the walking gaffe machine in Biden.

Biden, to his credit, knows that something is wrong with the campaign, and that the best choice from among possible running mates for Obama was Hillary Clinton. Why Obama couldn't see it should be troubling to Democrats. Was it spite? Was it fear of being overshadowed by Hillary? Obama went with Biden, who was nondescript in his tenure in the Senate, and brings little to a ticket.

Now, what will Obama do? Will he find a way to jettison Biden from the campaign before too much longer? That too will reek of desperation, but if Biden keeps making statements such as this, what other choice will he have?

If Obama seeks out Hillary, there's no telling what she might do - it's not in her interest to save Obama at this point. There will be a price to be paid for Obama's actions to date. Democrats have to wonder what they've gotten themselves into in a year when they had everything seemingly going for them.

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