Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Rebuilding of Ground Zero, Part 48

Santiago Calatrava's vision for the transit hub at Ground Zero may be in jeopardy. He thinks that it can be built on time and on budget, but the Port Authority may scrap parts of the plan, including the vaulting spaces underground that would make construction of other portions of the Ground Zero project more daunting and technologically challenging.

The above-ground portion of the Calatrava hub would remain though.

The Port Authority is attempting to get the construction schedule under control and get the plaza ready for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, which is just over three years away. To accomplish that, the steel work below ground has to be completed by July of 2010.

The NY Observer notes that Speaker Silver appears open to the idea of the Port Authority trimming around the edges of the transit hub to save money. Gee, thanks for speaking up Mr. Speaker. You've done such a great job of getting things done in your district. Oh, did I mention that Ground Zero is in your district? Yes, it is. Too bad you haven't exactly taken a strong interest in getting the site rebuilt sooner or demanding action on Fiterman Hall or the Deutsche Bank demolition. That's after the MTA announced that it was having trouble coming up with the money it needed to finish the Fulton Street transit hub.

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