Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Lies Continue

So, what version of events in L'affair Edwards are we up to? Number 2? Well, no one is buying this version either because the time line doesn't work either.

John Edwards said that he broke off his relationship with Rielle Hunter in 2006, but the National Enquirer says that's a load of nonsense. They note that the two renewed their affair even John told Elizabeth about the initial affair.

So, what's the proof? Well, that's not entirely clear, but there are time line issues that Edwards still can't quite account for:
But the National Enquirer is reporting today that Edwards restarted the affair after coming clean to Elizabeth, and that Hunter, now 44, got pregnant shortly afterward.

Meanwhile, Hunter's sister said yesterday that the mistress' 6-month-old love child unmistakably "looks like John Edwards. She's got his eyes and jaw line and lips.

"The most shocking thing was watching him on TV [last week] giving these half truths, these half-baked answers. I wish for everyone involved that he'd have come clean," Hunter's sis, Roxanne Druck, told "Entertainment Tonight."

Despite recent denials in an ABC News interview, Edwards knows he's the father of Hunter's daughter, Frances Quinn, the Enquirer is reporting.

Sources have also told the weekly paper Edwards and Hunter orchestrated her public rebuffing of his offer of a paternity test.
Well, given how Rielle's family was demanding that Edwards take a paternity test and Elizabeth said nothing about a paternity test to exonerate her husband, it certainly does seem odd that Rielle herself would say that she doesn't want a paternity test.

Collusion between Rielle and John does make sense. She's getting $15,000 a month from Edwards top money man, Fred Baron (who incidentally must be the best friend a guy could ever hope to have for throwing around serious money to keep things under the radar for as long as he had). That too would explain her sudden silence on the paternity issue. She wants the money to keep coming, and making demands on paternity could jeopardize the cashflow.

The National Enquirer reports that Edwards and Hunter met at the Beverly Hilton not once, but three times this year. How did the Enquirer confirm this? Records? Dumpster diving? Someone at the hotel giving them the details? Inquiring minds want to know.

And Edwards' lies and ongoing deception isn't winning him any friends either.

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