Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rudy Running For New York Governor?

Well, I'm not surprised by this.
The Giuliani camp is expected to announce the creation of the committee as early as Monday. The same day, he'll hold a small fund-raiser at the Grand Havana Room on Fifth Avenue for his political action committee, Solutions America.

Sources close to Giuliani said the state fund-raising venture is simply "him keeping his options open" for his future. But several sources say the former mayor is eyeing a gubernatorial run in 2010.

The sources said the fund will focus on several races around the state, but the main emphasis will be helping Republicans retain a majority in the Senate.

Political insiders said the move suggests Giuliani is trying to rebuild his political clout after his disappointing presidential bid - and doesn't now have a natural platform that an elective office would provide.

He's also trying to recoup his earning potential in the private sector. Some political insiders point out privately that the fund could also help enhance the profile of his pared-down consulting business.
The Republicans don't exactly have any fresh faces to run for statewide office and Rudy has shown he can deal with the ins and outs of New York politics. He'd be running against the current governor, Democrat David Paterson, who got the job after his predecessor, Eliot Spitzer, had to resign in disgrace.

The Republicans could do far worse than sending Rudy to Albany. However, they have to make sure that Rudy doesn't run a disastrous campaign as he did nationally.

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