Sunday, July 20, 2008

In the Tank For Obama

Apparently, there's absolutely nothing that Obama can't do. He's now responsible for raising awareness of a nation known as Afghanistan. At least, according to the NYT headline:

Obama’s Visit Renews Focus on Afghanistan
Sorry, but it might renew focus at the New York Times, but there are a few folks, like Bill Roggio and the fine folks contributing at the Long War Journal who've never lost their focus on Afghanistan. Indeed, neither had the US military, despite the NYT and the leftist claims to the contrary. The fine folks of our European NATO allies, however, seem averse to fighting the Taliban and want to instead engage in peacekeeping, which will only exacerbate and lengthen the conflict.

And Obama might want to renew his focus on his home state of Illinois, where rampant crime and housing problems in his old district appear to have gone under his radar while he'd been busy castigating Afghan President Hamid Karzai for not doing enough in the past.

Meanwhile, the Times and other media outlets want you to believe that what Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki thinks about Obama's timetable is what Obama wants from that timetable. Maliki sees it as a sign of victory and adjustable according to conditions.

Obama wants that timetable regardless of conditions - and is a sop to his leftist supporters who are getting thrown under the bus in Obama's need to race to the center of the US polity.

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