Thursday, June 05, 2008

Zimbabwe Bursting?

With Mugabe's crackdown against the opposition political leadership yesterday, we now learn that US and British embassy officials have been detained by the Zimbabwean authorities after they visited Morgan Tsvangirai and other officials. Mugabe's thugs also slashed the tires of the embassy vehicles.
Zimbabwe police stopped and detained U.S. and British embassy staff, slashing the tires of the cars they were traveling in, on Thursday in a move the U.S. ambassador blamed on the southern African country's government.

"Police put up a roadblock, stopped the vehicles, slashed the tires, reached in and grabbed telephones from my personnel, and the war veterans (Mugabe's supporters) threatened to burn the vehicles with my people inside unless they got out and accompanied police to a station nearby," U.S. Ambassador James McGee said in an interview on CNN.
I'd say that Mugabe's thugs are pursuing a course of action that will put them into direct conflict with the US and Britain, as one could consider these latest actions as a violation of the diplomatic immunities afforded to diplomats carrying out their official duties. Slashing the tires was completely uncalled for and the threats of physical violence must be responded to by the US and British in a forceful manner as it calls into question the safety of the missions, to say nothing of Mugabe's sanity.

So far nothing from the White House or State Department on the situation in Zimbabwe. The latest State Department briefing was from yesterday, in which they discussed Tsvangirai's situation.

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