Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Irony of Ironies: DNC Suggests Seating Half of MI and FL Delegations

Remember back to 2000 and the Democrats demand to count every vote? Well, the DNC seems to have dropped that concept down the memory hole, because doing so might result in an outcome they choose to refuse.

Frankly, I find this funny regardless of how it turns out. The DNC is deciding how to change the rules it set for itself, and will alienate a significant portion of its delegates and voters no matter how they decide.

They put themselves in this position by declaring that Florida and Michigan would lose all their delegates for moving their primaries ahead of February 5. The states had the audacity to decide that they're the ones who make the decision on when to hold primaries, not the political parties themselves.

Now, such decisions will help shape what happens going into the DNC Convention in Denver, and a partial seating would help Obama, since it may keep Clinton from claiming a majority of the popular vote.

Thanks Howard Dean for giving bloggers and pundits so much to write about. And pass the popcorn.

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