I wasn't able to show up for the rally in New York City this afternoon, but quite a few others showed their support for a most worth cause - demanding the release of Israeli soldiers Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser, and Eldad Regev. They want justice done. It was a beautiful day and turnout was great.
The three Israelis are currently being held by Hamas and Hizbullah as pawns to force Israel to make concessions - including the release of hundreds of Palestinian terrorists held in Israeli jails. Gilad has been held by Hamas for more than a year and Goldwasser and Regev are going on a year in captivity by these terrorists.
Yet, Hamas and Hizbullah are more than jihadi Islamist terrorist groups. They also claim to be political parties and members of governments - Hamas as part of the Palestinian Authority and Hizbullah as part of the Lebanese government. That presents an interesting conundrum given that Hizbullah invaded Israel to capture Israeli soldiers and provoked a major war last summer as a result. Hizbullah continues to stand in violation of UN SCR 1701, and has not completely disarmed as required by the UN, nor has it released Goldwasser or Regev.
Pamela at Atlas Shrugs has comprehensive coverage - video and photos as well. No Submission also has photos from the rally.
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