Saturday, June 02, 2007

Why Give Illegals New Benefits?

Why is Connecticut the latest state to consider giving in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens who aren't even supposed to be in the United States in the first place?
Connecticut would join 10 other states, including New York, that allow illegal immigrants to pay the in-state rate that is available to other residents. Illegal immigrants now often pay twice as much to attend Connecticut’s taxpayer-supported colleges and universities.

Aides to Gov. M. Jodi Rell, a Republican, said she would not decide whether to sign the bill until she sees its final language, which she had not done Friday.

The Senate approved the bill, 20 to 15, after a three-hour debate in which several Republicans vigorously argued against the measure, saying that it would reward illegal activity. The debate in the House was similarly heated before the bill passed, 76 to 67, on May 17, with several Democrats joining most Republicans to vote against the measure.

“What we’re doing here today is trying to incorporate some kids who, through no fault of their own, have arrived in our communities,” said Jonathan Harris, a Democrat from West Hartford who was the bill’s lead sponsor in the Senate. “They reside in our state. They’ve gone to four years of high school. They’ve demonstrated the acumen and the academic success.”

In 2001, Texas was the first state to grant in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. New York passed a similar bill in 2002. Some state legislatures — including the one in Texas — have debated laws prohibiting in-state tuition rates for illegal immigrants. Last year, Arizona voters overwhelmingly approved such a ban.

Like most states, Connecticut gives its residents a substantial discount on tuition at publicly supported colleges and universities. For example, the in-state tuition rate per semester at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain is $3,367. Out-of-state students pay $7,727.
Why would any prospective out-of-state legal resident consider going to a Connecticut school under those conditions. They are at a disadvantage when compared to an illegal alien.

Consider that if you are a US citizen living in New York, and decide to go to UConn, you'd have to pay $7,727. However, if you were an illegal alien, under this bill you'd pay less than half that out-of-state rate. State taxpayers are subsidizing the rest.

All this nonsense about trying to incorporate illegal aliens into the communities ignores one basic fact. They're here illegally. They break the law every single day that they're in the United States. Extending them benefits such as this encourages others to come to the US illegally. Illegal aliens deserve no additional benefits as compared to out-of-state legal citizens.

The prospect of giving illegal aliens benefits that an out-of-state resident would only dream of is yet another reason to consider claiming oneself as an illegal alien since they get all the benefits of US citizenship without having to pay for it.

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