Saturday, June 02, 2007

When Buying the Brooklyn Bridge Wont Do

How about buying Coney Island amusement park rides instead? Many of them are up for sale because Astroland has been bought by Thor Equities and will be turned into an upscale $1.5 billion year-round amusement park/hotel complex.

Among the rides to be auctioned - the Breakdancer, the iconic Astrotower, and the water flumes. Not being sold is the historic landmark - the Cyclone.

In the next few years, other pieces of New York City history and lore will likely be auctioned off including parts of Yankee and Shea stadiums as their new ballparks are to be opened in 2009. I hope to get in on that action to buy seats from both stadiums - just to keep Mrs. Lawhawk happy.

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