Friday, June 15, 2007

Priceless Quote of the Day: UPDATE - Nifong Resigns DA Post From Stand

...maybe [update ed - added the "I" to clarify but not to deceive] got carried away a little bit.
-Mike Nifong, former Durham District Attorney.

You did a whole lot more than get carried away a little bit. You prosecuted three men who had no business being indicted in the first place. There was no actual evidence tying the men to the crime, and one even had a full alibi, including photos and video surveillance proving that he wasn't at the scene of the alleged incident. Yet, Nifong indicted Seligmann anyway.

The DNA evidence showed that Finnerty, Evans, and Seligmann didn't so much as lay a hand on the accuser, and yet they were indicted.

You now say you expect to be punished? Of course you will be. The problem is that you will not have to live with the suffering and agony that you inflicted upon the three out of your zeal to prosecute without having fully investigated matters.

Mike Nifong resigns his position as district attorney for Durham from the stand.
"My community has suffered enough," a tearful Mike Nifong said Friday during his testimony at his State Bar ethics trial to the surprise of the families and defense attorneys of the cleared lacrosse players, as well as others in the courtroom.

"Throughout the years I have served as a prosecutor I have always tried to do the right thing," a tearful Mike Nifong said. "In this case, I was trying to do the right thing. Much of the criticism directed to me in the is case is justified. The allegations that I'm a liar, however, are not justified."

Nifong said regardless of the State Bar's decision, it would not be fair to the people in Durham County to be represented by "someone who is not held in high esteem."
Actually, Nifong is a liar, but worse than that - he engaged in prosecutorial misconduct that undermines the faith of the public in the criminal justice system and endangered the prosecutions of hundreds of other cases in Durham. This is far from over, however, as the families may still pursue civil damages against Nifong.

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