Thursday, May 31, 2007

Move the Embassy Already

American Presidents have long claimed that they would move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. However, they've always stopped short of actually doing it. President Bush continues that awful tradition by refusing to move it, even though he made a campaign promise to do so. They listen to the State Dept flacks who say that moving the embassy to Jerusalem would be taking sides and reduce the appearance of impartiality. Congress, however, has set yet another vote on a resolution calling on the President to move the embassy.
The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote next week on a resolution calling for President Bush to move the American Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, strengthening Israel's position against recurring diplomatic efforts to take away its capital.

The resolution, which passed the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on May 23, commemorates the 40th anniversary of Israel's victory in the Six Day War that unified Jerusalem. It also calls on Mr. Bush to adhere to the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, which authorized the funds to begin moving the embassy and declared that it was American policy to recognize the city as the capital of the Jewish state.

The House resolution, scheduled for a floor vote on Tuesday, "reiterates its commitment to the provisions of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 and calls upon the President and all United States officials to abide by its provisions."
Here's a newsflash.

Israel is a US ally and the Palestinians have only seen the US as an enemy for years. Sure, they'll take our money and equipment, but they'll turn around and use them to kill our allies and even US citizens who get in the way. Palestinian leaders have tread all over American efforts, and made US presidents look foolish - see Clinton and his Camp David efforts in 2000 to get Arafat to make peace with Israel once and for all blow up in his face.

Moving the embassy to Jerusalem would be a concession to reality, and long overdue.

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