Tuesday, February 06, 2007

UNIFIL's Uselessness

After Israel discovered a bunch of explosive devices planted inside Israel's northern border, the fingers began pointing not only at Hizbullah for infiltrating the Israeli border, but at UNIFIL which is supposed to prevent such things from happening.

One can only expect UNIFIL to issue strongly worded letters of condemnation when it is later discovered that they overlooked Hizbullah illegally entering Israel and planting explosive devices.

In actuality, UNIFIL will review its policies and procedures, but the IDF will also adjust its rules of engagement:
Following the discovery of the bombs, OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Gadi Eizenkot clarified rules of engagement for units serving along the border. "Soldiers are allowed to open fire at anything that is suspicious on the other side of the border," explained a source in the Northern Command.

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