Monday, December 11, 2006

Kofi's Stone Throwing

His last official appearance is December 19. To the end, he refused to call the Darfur situation genocide, which would have mandated action by the UN to intervene. And that he can even see to mention Darfur at all is seen as an accomplishment since he's tried to avoid any discussion of the matter for fear of offending the thugs in Khartoum. Meanwhile the violence continues as Khartoum dickers over the terms of a UN/AU peacekeeping force.

He personally refused to intervene in Rwanda and his butcher's bill exceeds 800,000 from that debacle. Tragic comedy that is more tragedy than comedy.

Then there's the failures listed at Hot Air; ones we're all familiar with, even as Kofi wonders where he's going to spend his retirement and ill gotten gains (perhaps in a country without extradition with the US?).

What do we learn from this? Kofi has never been held accountable for his actions. UNSCAM blows up and he's not held accountable. Peacekeepers engaging in sexual misconduct with those they were sent to protect. Inadequate action taken, and the misconduct continues on missions around the world, including in Haiti and in Africa. Members of the Secretariat are implicated in sexual harassment scandals. No action taken.

The list is endless, yet Kofi feels the need to talk about American accountability yet he feels that the UN should have no accountability for all the pain, misery, and suffering it has inflicted on the downtrodden around the world. From the inability to send peacekeepers to Darfur until hundreds of thousands were slaughtered to Rwanda where the slaughter was complete before uttering a phrase even remotely close to the word genocide, Kofi has sat on his hands while butchers, thugs, and despots slaughtered the innocents. He coddled Saddam Hussein, all the while he slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Shi'ites - and for which he now stands on trial for crimes against humanity and genocide - not because the UN took action, but because the US and a coalition of nations realized that something had to be done following all those UN resolutions demanding Iraqi compliance meant nothing.

It was on Kofi's watch that the irrelevance of the UN except as a debating society and to hamstring US foreign policy was made explicit. Attacking Israel became a daily chore for the General Assembly and the Human Rights Commission, which ignored real issues like Darfur, child soldiers, slavery, and a whole host of miseries inflicted on people around the world by the very members of the HRC itself. That such gross violators of human rights would sit in judgment on such a panel is itself a testament to the failures of the UN to deal with the structural and procedural failings - and Kofi's refusal to deal with reform in any meaningful way.

Instead, Kofi has the audacity to attack the US, which is the largest benefactor to the UN, provides the bulk of logistical support for UN peacekeeping operations, and puts the UN to shame when there's an international crisis such as a tsunami or earthquake by being able to provide aid immediately and without convening crisis groups and panels to determine what might be needed for the advance team to set up shop.

Others blogging: Charles at LGF, Stop the ACLU, The American Pundit, and Michelle Malkin.

Dr. Sanity puts the curse of Annan to verse.

Others blogging: Macranger, Dan Riehl, Decision 08, American Thinker, It Shines For All, GOP and College, Kim Priestap, and Wizbang.

The situation in Darfur is going to get a whole lot more complicated as AU peacekeepers shot and killed three Darfur refugees.
African Union peacekeepers killed three Darfur rioters when a crowd of angry refugees threatened to break into their base in the town of El Geneina, a U.N. official said Monday.

It was the first time peacekeepers have killed Darfur civilians, marking new deterioration in the war-torn region of western Sudan. In a separate incident, the African Union reported Monday that gunmen had kidnapped two of its peacekeepers the night before.

After the riot and shooting on Sunday, Sudanese police deployed around the African Union base to protect the peacekeepers, aid workers in El Geneina said.

The refugees protesting at the base were relatives of 30 civilians who were executed by pro-government janjaweed fighters on Saturday. They were protesting against the African Union for what they say is the peacekeeping force's failure to protect them.
Earlier coverage is here.

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