Sunday, December 24, 2006

Iran Continues Nuclear Gambit

Iran rejects the UN resolution that would impose sanctions in a step-by-step fashion. You see, after months of trying to get the UN Security Council to agree on a resolution, it took Iran all of 30 seconds to reject it. It didn't matter what was included in the resolution, Iran was not going to follow it. Iran is going to continue uranium enrichment.

What does Iran intend to do with all that enriched uranium? They claim that they're going to use it to power nuclear reactors. Yet, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the mad mullahs have repeatedly said that they're looking to annihilate Israel and Iran's enemies, which can be accomplished by making weapons grade uranium. All it takes is time. The Iranians have the uranium. They have the technology (the gas centrifuge arrays). They have the desire and willpower to put together thousands of the centrifuges. And they've built their nuclear program in bunkers, underground facilities, and heavily defended against air attacks, all of which suggests that their ultimate goal is the production of nuclear weapons, not a civilian power program.

Michael Ledeen
notes what else the mullahs have been up to.

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