Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Head Scratcher

If you are a studio executive and were sitting on the rights to produce a film version of JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit, who would you get to direct the film?

One name, and one name only comes to mind:

Peter Jackson.

Yes, that Peter Jackson. The one who singlehandedly became this generation's George Lucas in directing the Lord of the Rings trilogy by showing that he could not only produce a magnum opus on film with the lushness and complexity that devotees would pore over but one that was a sight to behold. And his movies made everyone a boatload of money - over $1 billion to be precise.

The Hobbit and Rings prequel would each probably be considered blockbusters simply having Jackson's name associated with them, given his thorough knowledge of the materials, plus his involvment in the technology to produce the stunning effects seen in the movies.

But someone at New Line Cinema, which produced the Rings trilogy got the wise idea that someone other than Jackson should direct. If there was ever a medal for stupidity in the movie industry, this is probably it. Jackson and Tolkien together are as close to a sure bet in the movie industry as one can get, and New Line is playing with fire if they think that this is a good idea.

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