Monday, May 29, 2006

Iran's Nuclear Gambit

Diplomats are saying that Iran's nuclear enrichment program has slowed. Some think that this could be because they're trying to show that they are willing to talk with the West and solve matters diplomatically. I think that's grasping at straws.

They could also be suffering from technical difficulties, which is the more likely possibility. Iran had problems with impurities in their uranium hexaflouride gas production. Those impurities would cause the centrifuges to explode due to becoming unbalanced by the impurities.

The centrifuges have to be perfectly balanced or else they would fail.

Thus, I would suggest that the reason for the slowdown has nothing to do with Iran seeking a diplomatic solution and everything to do with dealing with technological problems with their source materials.

Iran is also saying that they're not going to move their enrichment work to Russia. Of course they wouldn't. It's not in their perceived interest to do so. They want nuclear weapons and if they move the enrichment processes out of the country, they can't siphon off enriched materials to the weapons program.

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