Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mayday on May Day?

Illegal and legal immigrants are planning on marching in various cities around the country to protest the US seeking to strengthen and otherwise enforce existing immigration law tomorrow.

Some of those who are organizing this particular rally seem to believe that they'll be shutting down those cities where there are large illegal or legal immigrant populations.

That got me wondering. What if they threw a rally and no one showed. Better yet - if these illegal aliens showed and businesses continued operation as though nothing was happening? What kind of message would that send?

We can expect that some cities will have disruptions, and some businesses may take hits, but there wont be the kind of significant disruptions or closures that some fear and others hope for.

Stop the ACLU has additional thoughts on tomorrow's boycott/demonstrations. Don Surber notes how the Mexicans treat the immigration issue, which is a subject I noted a couple of days ago. Don's posting fleshes out just how hypocritical the Mexican government is on the subject.

That doesn't even begin to cover the Mexican government's latest craziness - legalizing drugs that would otherwise result in felony possession in the US. The Jawa Report notes the Mexican government's relaxation of drug laws. Can you say spillover effect? I knew you could.

Wizbang has more.

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