Friday, April 28, 2006

IAEA's Irony

The IAEA won a Nobel Prize for its so called nuclear nonproliferation stance. Yet, we've repeatedly seen that the IAEA is completely powerless to stop any country that has its mind set on obtaining nuclear weapons. Iran is no such exception.

Iran will obtain the means and capabilities to go nuclear, and obtain nuclear weapons in the process all while the IAEA dawdles and complains that the Iranians aren't complying with the will of the international community.

Vital Perspectives notes that the Iranians have been lying about their pursuit of the P-2 centrifuge technology that would enable them to enrich uranium far more efficiently than their declared P-1 centrifuge system. The Iranians could have sufficient material for a single nuclear weapon within a year, though the Iranians would probably wait until they have enough materials for several weapons before declaring their nuclear capabilities - as a deterrence to potential pre-emptive strikes.

Iran wants superpower status, and getting nukes is the shortcut. Who needs a big economy or raising the standard of living of their citizens when you can get nukes and threaten your neighbors and enemies into submission. AFP says that "Iran has failed to stop enriching uranium," but that misses the point entirely. Iran has no intention to stop enriching uranium. It is the Iranian intention to obtain sufficient materials to make nuclear weapons. Period. Everything else is a smokescreen. The AFP article gets it backwards. It's the IAEA who has failed to stop the Iranians from acting.

Others noting Iran's inexorable march towards attaining nuclear weapons all while the IAEA watches helplessly: Kesher Talk, In the Bullpen, Peace Like a River who looks at the geopolitics at work in Central Asia, Daily Pundit looks at Hizbullah and how that terror group may end up being behind the next 9/11 - and it's important to note that Iran funds Hizbullah (which Jihad Watch also is covering), Bare Knuckle Politics, and Right Side of the Rainbow.

Dvorak Uncensored writes of physicists writing letters to President Bush warning him against using nukes against Iran's nuclear facilities - though one has to wonder whether those same physicists would be around after Iran obliterates one of its many proposed targets around the world, Captain Ed also weighs in.

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