Monday, March 13, 2006

Sudden Impact

So, Russ Feingold wants to censure President Bush over the NSA eavesdropping on terrorists who happen to transmit messages across our borders. Of course, the media wants to play up the fact that some US citizen might tangentially be involved, but the fact is that we're talking about a program, the facts of which have been spun by Democrats for political gain.

Feingold wants to censure the President for doing his job of protecting this country against terrorist attacks.

So what do the Republicans do? They attempt to schedule a vote on a censure motion to show that the Democrats are not only feckless, but that they're solely doing this for political gain.

Just as they did over the call to withdraw immediately from Iraq, the Democrats have gifted Republicans a rubber mallet to whack Democrats with. Democrats make statements that they simply do not believe in, and will not vote to support. It's not that the Republicans have distinguished themselves in this whole mess, it's that the Democrats have been so godawful that the Republicans look positively impressive by comparison.

Others blogging: Flopping Aces, Michelle Malkin, Below the Beltway, and Suitably Flip, [more to follow]

Others blogging this include Captain Ed, Small Town Veteran, The Political Pit Bull, AJ Strata, and Confederate Yankee.

Democrats are clearly trying to spin out from under the Republican counter. They're trying to delay votes, claiming that they need more time to mount a response. Yeah, like that will help.

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