Saturday, November 19, 2005


Jim at Parkway Rest Stop notes that Governor Elect Jon Corzine is consulting with New York Senator Charles Schumer and Nevada Senator Harry Reid over who should take over Corzine's Senate seat when Corzine takes office in Trenton in January.

So, on top of the fears of corruption in Trenton, New Jersey residents now have to get a Senator chosen by the Senators of New York and Nevada?

New Jersey is about to see the fallout from the elections in a real meaningful way. And while it would appear that most New Jerseyeans don't seem to mind the hackery, some of us do care about who the next Senator from New Jersey will be and that he or she serves the best interests of the State of New Jersey, and not necessarily the best interests of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee or New York or Nevada's senators.

The fiscal shape in New Jersey is far worse than anyone in outgoing Gov. Codey's administration or incoming governor Jon Corzine let on before the election. But Corzine thinks this is one big joke.

There's no way that any of his social programs can be enacted without massive increases in taxes and fees. And that solution to the property tax? It's going to be a while before we ever see it. If ever.

Welcome to New Jersey. Home of the soon to be poorer taxpayer.

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