Monday, September 05, 2005

Primer to Left Wing Media - What is Logistics?

Read it all. The left wingers like to talk about how the Administration and everyone involved in the disaster response screwed up. I've commented elsewhere that the emergency response is a function of logisitics - that it takes infrastructure to get needed equipment to get where needed, and only then can the emergency response come full bore.

People have focused on New Orleans for many reasons, but few note that New Orleans was cut off from all directions save one by this hurricane. The airport was only reopened to visual flight rule status by the end of the week. That meant that there was only one way in or out of the city that was not flooded out, washed out, or otherwise inpenetrable from the outside.

And believe it or not, the situation is actually more difficult in Mississippi because that's where the worst of the storm hit. Those areas saw storm surges of more than 20 feet. They washed miles inland. Roads, bridges, and every other kind of infrastructure needed to get people into the damaged areas has to be rebuilt.

6. Getting the airport, bridges, and roads repaired is the next priority, since the supplies and people needed to fix levees, drain the city, and repair the infrastructure cannot be transported via aircraft. You need to truck them in.
7. Once the infrastructure is repaired, it is vital to get the ports in working order. Equipment and supplies can only be moved into the area in large quantities by sea.
Armchair morons in the media talk tactics. Experts talk logistics. There are very few experts in the media.

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