Friday, September 02, 2005

Hurricane Relief Posting, Day 2

Disregard the time stamp on this post since I'll be keeping it at the top all day long.

Hurricane Relief Blog Day is being held today and the links should help those seeking information or a way to help those less fortunate.

LaShawn Barber has more information on this effort.

I'm in. And so are more than hundreds of other bloggers.

As for charitable giving and what you can do, many organizations are accepting donations. If you plan on giving, I recommend the B'nai B'rith has set up a Disaster Relief Fund. Many companies, including my own, are matching employee donations (mine is doing a double match - impressive). Go check them out.

This is the Instapundit trackback post to one of the master lists of resources.

Technorati: Flood Aid; Hurricane Katrina.

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