Monday, September 05, 2005

Democrats Use Katrina To Engage Race Card

Sick stuff. The Democrats in New York (and elsewhere and we'll be seeing in what will probably be a DNC "policy" statement) would like people to believe that the slow federal response was due to the fact that it was poor blacks who were mostly affected. The facts will out themselves, but the poor planning and inadequate evacuation was the result of the local authorities failing to use all the tools at their disposal [Mayor Negin Memorial Motor Pool].

The BBC suggests that a foreign dictator might have been better able to respond to the disaster than President Bush. I don't think the BBC made quite the point that they were trying to make, because it once again shows the complete and utter hatred that many people feel towards President Bush - the Bush Derangement Syndrome that clouds rational thought and disregards facts and logic to paint Bush as alternatively a maroon and evil genius, often within the same sentence.

As this email to KLo notes:
If Bush was a Dictator things would have gone smoother:

- He wouldn't have had to ASK Gov. Blanco to order a mandatory evacuation, he would have done it himself.

- He wouldn't have had to ASK Gov. Blanco to send in her National Guard, he would have done it himself.

- He wouldn't have to ASK Gov. Blanco to let the feds come in and run the show. (below)

If Bush was a dictator he could have FORCED residents to evacuate at gunpoint. He would be giving orders to the Governor, not requests. It may come as news to the crowd, but BUSH IS NOT A DICTATOR!

Michelle Malkin debunks the notion that the use of the word refugee is somehow racist, which is how some folks are trying to portray the situation.

The primary reason for the breakdown of law and order in New Orleans starts first and foremost with state and local authorities. It is up to them to maintain and preserve law and order. To blame the federal government for not stepping in sooner, as the Louisiana government has done, is to suggest that state and local government officials are less than useless, and voters should remember this going forward.

I doubt that they'll heed this, but look over at neighboring Mississippi and ask who's in charge, and they'll say the state and local authorities are, with the full support of the federal government. New Orleans? The feds are running the show because the state and local authorities essentially abdicated their responsibility, and put thousands of lives in danger.

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